The material on this website is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice, nor does downloading or sending information create any contractual relationship. To the extent permitted by law we do not accept liability for loss which may arise from reliance placed on any material contained on this website.
New Right to Neonatal Care Leave and Pay
Employment Newsletter November 2024
Employers New Duty to Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
What employment law changes can we expect from the new labour government?
New Statutory Rates and Compensation Limits for 2024/25
March 2024 Employment Law Newsletter
New Paternity Leave entitlement for families in England, Scotland and Wales
Bank Worker wins pay-out after being unfairly dismissed for using the N-word in a training session
Can I take time off work if my child is sick?
Direct Line ordered to pay £65,000 for failure to make adjustments for menopausal employee
An employers guide to the work Christmas party
The Future of Flexible Working
Employer held Vicariously Liable for Rape following staff Christmas Party
‘Fire and Rehire’ – Your rights and the law
Laughing at someone at work is NOT harassment
Unfair Dismissal: The Importance of following a Fair Process
Is your Employee Pregnant or on Maternity Leave: FAQS
Pregnant or on Maternity Leave: Know your Rights
Ministers reject proposal to make menopause a ‘Protected Characteristic’ under the Equality Act 2010
Garden Leave and PILON: Why should it be included in your Contracts of Employment?
Calculating holidays for casual workers
Employment Law Christmas Crossword Answers
National Minimum Wage and other annual increases
Christmas Crossword Puzzle 2022
Helping your staff beat the January blues
Adverse weather and employee rights
Flexible Working: Is it a day one right?
Guide to the downturn for Employees: Redundancy, Lay-off, Pay Freeze etc
Employee Guide: Your rights when facing redundancy
The World Cup and a HR Hangover
Can you ask employees to change their appearance?
Resurrection of the Christmas Party
What can my staff do with any leftover holidays?
Additional Bank Holiday for Queen’s Funeral on Monday 19th September 2022
Marriage automatically invalidates previous will
Employers Cut Company Sick Pay for Unvaccinated Employees
Professor wins £15,000 for employers failure in carrying out a proper investigation
National Minimum Wage: What is it?
Delays in the Employment Tribunal
How failing to follow a disciplinary procedure could be very costly for your business