To protect your cash flow you need to ensure that your business can collect bad debt. This is a common area of business activity and there is a well established legal process for debt collection for businesses.
We work closely with credit management and collections agencies, enquiry agents, barristers and high court enforcement officers to ensure the best chance of recovering overdue invoices.
We offer fixed fees or can agree fees based on a % of monies collected (damages based agreements/DBAs) or on a conditional no-win, no fee basis (conditional fee agreements/CFAs). We will discuss payment options on a case by case basis. There will be no hidden fees or surprises, our fees will be fully discussed and agreed with you up front.
How can we help? We can assist with:
- Letters before Action
- Statutory Demands/Winding Up Petitions
- Issuing Court proceedings
- Attending Court Hearings
- Enforcing Judgments
We are experienced solicitors who are completely at home with the legal processes involved in debt recovery services. We can help you at any stage of this process of recovering a business debt, whether it is helping you write an effective and legally sound Letter Before Action, or pursuing the matter through the Court system. We are familiar with the process of enforcing Judgment and can manage the process right through to bankruptcy or company winding up proceedings if need be.
We are also well aware of the costs of debt litigation and can advise you on whether it is commercially viable to proceed to Court.
Never letting it happen again
One way to protect against bad debt is to review your contracts, trade agreements and terms of business. We can help you make sure that your terms are clear and your processes solid so you can avoid lengthy and costly litigation proceedings in the future.